Thursday 19 December 2013

Camel Scorpion Man

I'm not very good at naming things...

What started off as a final project turned into somewhat of a cliche sci-fi dream come true.

The assignment: Pay a visit to the Museum of Natural History to take a look at the evolution of earth's creatures and study their skeletal makeup, ultimately combining parts of different animals to form something new.

The result:

If you're interested in his life, please read on!

Thursday 3 October 2013

Quick Updates and Sketches

So after that massive lie in January promising I would "keep up with this blog this year", I'm finally following up with another post...ten months later!

This semester I'm actually taking a figure drawing class so I can't fall behind on posts even if I wanted to. No more excuses! I'm super excited to just practice drawing more because I have so much to learn, especially when it comes to shading and coloring. It should be pretty interesting to track my progress and see the improvements over time (and hopefully I will improve haha).

The first few weeks we focused on a lot of quick 1-5 minute figures, which were really challenging. But now's the fifth week, and I've gotten better. Here are some 5-15 minute sketches:

Thursday 10 January 2013

Eyebrows and Bone Structure

The human face is one of the most beautiful things. I believe that each face carries with it clues of its owner's personality and past experiences. It fascinates me that simple a arrangement of features like the mouth, nose, and even eyebrows, can stop people in their tracks to have a second look.

Sunday 18 November 2012

British Obsession

I'm just gonna say it: I listen to One Direction. And to be honest, a big part of it is because they're pretty. But hey, the boy band came out of X Factor...that gives validation to their singing abilities right?

When I become obsessed with something, it will usually come out on paper.

So here it is everyone, Harry Styles of One Direction.

I'm sad I don't have easy access to a scanner. So for now, my iPhone camera will have to do.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!

Let me talk about this backwards.

The coloring of this one was done before I got my tablet. That means, I colored this drawing with a trackpad on a Macbook Air. Not an experience I want to relive. Good thing I shaded the drawing on paper, because I would not have been able to on the computer. I'm not completely happy with the end result, but I guess it shows progress.

Going back in time, let me mention the drawing. This pose was actually inspired by another drawing I saw. But it was another Disney princess I think. I did this after I saw Tangled, so that means it was over a year ago.

I love Tangled!

You can see how painful the edges look, especially if you enlarge:

Thursday 11 October 2012

New toy came in the mail!

In the middle of midterms, I receive a package from Amazon that I ordered a month ago. I knew that if I opened it, it would be the end of my studying. Reluctantly, I surrendered it to Euna, who guarded it until after my exam.

"What is the package?" you ask. It's a Wacom Bamboo Tablet!! Ahhh yaaaaay. So I finally got to play with it today after my exams and here is the result: